The Gila County Gem and Mineral Society would like to thank all the people from Gila County and elsewhere who came to our 66th Annual Gem and Mineral Show at the Gila County Fairgrounds. We are proud to sponsor these events in hopes of garnering attention for Earth’s bountiful beauty and how gems and minerals are incorporated into so many aspects of our lives.
We would also like to mention the local businesses who donated to our society so that we could put on this show. So a big thank-you to the following businesses: The Copper Bistro, Denny’s of Globe, Ed’s La Casita East, KK’s Fish & Chips, CEMEX Globe Concrete Plant (sand for our gem and fossil pit) and to the Globe Elks Lodge 489 for sponsoring the JROTC whose members did a wonderful job of opening the show with their color guard and with their cadets helped all three days in the activity room. Thanks, too, to all the many vendors and individuals at the show who donated items for the hourly door prizes.
On behalf of our Scholarship Committee, we thank everyone who participated in our raffles to raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors who wish to pursue continuing education in a STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
A special thank-you to Gila County Supervisor Tim Humphrey who provided a grant to help us put on the show and make educational materials available to all who attended.
Our success is ultimately dependent on our membership’s willingness to donate their time to this three day event. Our membership sure stepped up to the task. Thank you.
Thanks to each of you who helped make this year’s show a big success and one we can all be proud of.
Jodi Brewster, President
Haley Williams, Show Chairman

Furthermore, money raised also supports our scholarship fund which helps graduating high school seniors of Gila County to pursue education in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) curriculum.
We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Gila County, the Gila County Fairgrounds, Sheriff’s Office, and Sheriff’s Posse and their staff for the support and facilities, without which we would be unable to host this show.
Jodi Brewster (President)