Pictured, from left: GCGMS President Haley Williams, Scholarship recipient AnnMary Terrence, scholarship recipient Gabriella Gonzales and GCGMS Scholarship Chairman Tim Gonzales
The Gila County Gem and Mineral Society has a scholarship program that awards two $500 scholarships. They are given to a graduating senior who will be majoring in any STEM-related field of study. The students must be from a high school in our area, including any home-schooled senior.
This year’s recipients were AnnMary Terrence and Gabriella Gonzales. They are both graduating with high honors from Miami High School.
AnnMary is graduating as Miami High School 2024 Valedictorian. AnnMary’s extra-curricular activities include student council, Skills USA, journalism, National Honors Society, College Knowing and Going and many other activities. She is planning on majoring in biomedical science at the University of Arizona. She is the daughter of Annamma Terrence and Terrence Francis. More about AnnaMary’s story will be updated.
Gabriella is graduating at number 3 in her class. Gabriella’s extra-curricular activities include student council, National Honors Society, Gear Up, Link Crew, vollyball, softball and many more. She is planning on majoring in elementary education at Howard College in Big Spring, Texas. She is the daughter of Veronica and Justin Guadiana. More About Gabriella’s story will be updated.